mcm mane nie??? i got an offer of canon 450d about 150pounds.. in MALAYSIA times 5 about RM7++... i already survey this camera in internet.. it's about RM25++..what??? hah!!!! bnyaknnyer beza... beli skarang memglah murah n it's also one of my dream...haaahhhhh...mcm mane nie??? i really really really really want that camera....really really really!!!! but it is a keperluan or kehendak??? tp kalu tolak, mane dpt harga mcm nie lg kan??? but it's weird, why the camera is so cheap... i need to check first before made an decision...right?
tp, memg da terbayang2 lah kamera nie..waaahhhh...macam mane nie??? pakar cepat la bgtau macam mane....confius nie.. buy or not??? dislike this environment......MACAM MANE NIE???
tp, memg da terbayang2 lah kamera nie..waaahhhh...macam mane nie??? pakar cepat la bgtau macam mane....confius nie.. buy or not??? dislike this environment......MACAM MANE NIE???
wooo...tengok la body dier tu..cantiknyer..sexynyer...
this is where i can make a bigger move in my life but is it the time, where i should start now? or just wait for a while for better offer and mental and skill preparation?
MACAM MANE NIE???????????
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